Lavada School 1913 – 1956
Lavada was the name of Mr. Gilpin, the senior trustee’s daughter. Hence the name of the school. The district is south and west of Kitscoty. Roads were a problem in the area, so for several years the school operated only during the summer months. One year the total sports purchases for the school was two soft balls! However a new hard wood floor was laid in the school in 1934.
We heard about some of the activities at the school when the school site marker was installed in 2007. One of the students mentioned that hide and seek was an important game, so important that a hole had carefully been cut in the barn roof so that some of the boys could get through and hide behind a panel there.
I have a personal interest in the Lavada school, My grandfather, his father and three of his brothers had homesteads in that community. In reading some of the history I learned that my great-grandfather had been one of the trustees when the school district was formed.
Margaret Wolters
Lavada School
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