Deer Lake School 1910 -1955
The Deer Lake School was named for a chain of lakes called the Deer Lakes, which flow into the Vermilion River. The creek and lakes are well named for deer may almost always be found in the vicinity. A nice brick school was built in a central location. In 1924 the population was heaviest in the east end of the district so school was opened in a converted granary in that area. The “brick school” opened again in March 1925. This building remained in use until a new building was built a half mile further south. One can just imagine the “politics” of all these moves. Deer Lake school was closed in 1955, and the children were bussed to Dewberry.
Don Fluney organized a “sign day” in late June of 2008. Many former students were there with their rakes and shovels. All were pleased to see Miss Sheila Purves there with copies of the weather charts her students had created at Deer Lake. The Leslie Bowman family opened their home for fellowship and lunch following the erection of the school site marker.
Margaret Wolters
Deer Lake School
Sign Placement