Canyon View School 1936 -1945
Canyon View is just north of the North Saskatchwen River and south of Tulliby Lake. The first classes were held down on the river in a no longer used log house. That winter logs were cut on the river and the new log school house was built. The nearest school was St. Margaret and at the end of the years before it closed, they sometimes shared students to keep one school going.
When we went to mark the site there was some debate, about the exact location of the old school. This was the fourth school site of the day for many of us. Among the several people who were in attendance was the former chief justice of Alberta, who had been a student at this school. We moved up and down a half mile, started to unload our equipment and then our minds were changed. We hope that the spot that was finally selected is fairly close to where the school was located.
Margaret Wolters
Canyon View School
Sign Placement