Northwestern Alberta Retired Teachers’ Association (NWARTA) Bylaws
- Preamble
- The Northwestern Alberta Retired Teachers’ Association (NWARTA) is a group of retired educators, their spouses and retired community members who have developed a social organization and network.This group is a self-governed branch of the Alberta Retired Teachers’ Association (ARTA) and shares its goals.
As part of its social dimension, a selection of events is held each year that are of general interest to members. For example: luncheons, information sessions/presentations, and wellness activities. The most important aspect of these events is to be connected with colleagues and friends, to enjoy one another’s company and to make new friends.
- The Northwestern Alberta Retired Teachers’ Association (NWARTA) is a group of retired educators, their spouses and retired community members who have developed a social organization and network.This group is a self-governed branch of the Alberta Retired Teachers’ Association (ARTA) and shares its goals.
- Name
The name of the organization will be the Northwestern Alberta Retired Teachers’ Association (NWARTA). - Objectives of NWARTA
- To promote all facets of wellbeing in retirement: professional, economic, intellectual, social, emotional and physical.
- To explore and promote ways and means to enhance quality of life in retirement.
- To promote a community of care and compassion among its members and in the region’s communities.
- To appoint members who qualify for Regular Membership to represent the Northwestern Branch at Alberta Retired Teachers’ Association (ARTA) meetings and events.
- Membership
- Regular Members
- The Northwestern Alberta Retired Teachers’ Association will accept as Regular Member with voting authority, any retired teacher who has been a member of the Alberta Teachers’ Association for 5 years and is receiving a pension from the Alberta Teacher Retirement Fund (ATRF), or any retired teacher who has contributed to the Alberta Retired Teachers’ Association (ATA) for 5 years.
- Only those qualifying for Regular Membership are eligible to represent NWARTA as a delegate at ARTA (provincial) functions and to take part in ARTA business matters.
- Associate Members
Northwestern Alberta Retired Teachers’ Association will accept as Associate Members:- The spouse/partner of any Regular Member.
- The spouse/partner of a deceased Regular Member.
- Any retired teacher of pensionable age who is living in the Northwestern Alberta area and his/her spouse or partner.
- Any retired educator of a school board, post-secondary institution or technical institute living in Northwestern Alberta and his/her spouse/partner.
- Any retired educational support staff living in Northwestern Alberta and his/her spouse/partner.
- Interested community members and/or participants in the ARTA benefit plan.
- Any Regular Member of another ARTA branch.
- Associate members:
- Will have voting authority on matters of the NWARTA Branch.
- May not be NWARTA delegates at the provincial level (ARTA).
- Will be eligible for election to the NWARTA executive or committees and to participate at the Branch They are not, however, eligible for the positions of President, Vice-President or ARTA Representative since these positions act as NWARTA delegates at ARTA meetings.
- Lifetime Members
Any NWARTA member who has reached the full age of 80 years as of June 1 is eligible to submit a request for Lifetime Membership to an executive member.
- Regular Members
- Meetings
- The Branch shall have an Annual General Meeting held in June, at which time the election of officers for the coming year will take place.
- The NWARTA Annual General Meeting is open to the public; however, guests may not make motions or vote. Also, on a majority vote of members present, all or a portion of the meeting may be closed to the public.
- Executive Meetings shall be held on a regular basis to plan and organize Branch events. Meetings will be scheduled at times that the executive finds to be mutually convenient.
- Executive Officers
- The Executive Officers of NWARTA shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The term of office is July 1st to June 30th.
- The Executive shall consist of a maximum of ten (10) members including: president, vice-president, past president, secretary and treasurer, and directors-at-large who assume tasks that support the work of the Branch. With the exception of president, two members may jointly fill a position thus creating co-executive or any member may choose to run for two positions.
- If an Executive position is not filled at the Annual General Meeting or if a vacancy occurs during the year, the Executive may appoint an eligible Branch member to fill the position or complete the term.
- The past president shall serve an Executive Director with full voting The past president also presents a slate of nominees willing to be elected as Executive Officers at the Annual General Meeting and he/she presides over the election process.
After one year, the past president may choose to vacate the role. In this case, a Member (Regular, Associate or Lifetime) may be appointed by the Executive to provide a slate of nominees and preside over the election process. - Only Regular Members are eligible for election to the positions of president or vice
- Executive Officers shall not receive honorarium for his/her services, but Executive shall be reimbursed for authorized expenditures of the Branch.
- The Executive shall have the authority to set up committees to carry out specific projects of the organization.
- Amendments
- The NWARTA Bylaws may be created, amended or rescinded at the Annual General Meeting when approved by 75 percent of the members assembled provided that notice of intention has been given by mail or electronically at least three (3) weeks in
- The Bylaws shall be reviewed every four (4) years or sooner as necessary.
- Quorum
- The quorum, for the purpose of the Executive to carry on the business of the Branch shall be half of the Executive.
- The quorum, for the purpose of dealing with the business of the Branch at the Annual General Meeting or any Membership Meeting, shall be half of the executive members plus any seven (7) additional members.
- Membership Fees
- An annual membership fee shall be proposed by the Executive and approved by the majority of the membership in attendance at the Annual General The change in membership fees shall come into effect at the beginning of the fiscal year, June 1.
- Members may choose to pre-pay their membership fees for up to five years in The change in fees will not apply to those members who have remaining pre-paid years. Membership fees are non-refundable.
- A complimentary one (1) year NWARTA membership is available upon application for the first year of retirement.
- Upon notifying a NWARTA Executive Officer, members who reach the age of 80 prior to June 1st and have been active NWARTA members shall be eligible to become Lifetime Members and have their yearly membership fee waived.
- Finances
- The financial year shall be June 1 to May
- All cheques written on NWARTA’s bank account shall require two (2) of three (3) designated Executive to sign. Branch designates will be appointed at the first Executive meeting of the fiscal year.
- The NWARTA financial records must be reviewed once a year prior to the spring Annual General Meeting in June.
- Two NWARTA members who do not have signing authority on the Branch’s bank account shall be appointed by the Executive to review the financial records for accuracy. They may also wish to make recommendations to improve financial accountability and transparency.
- The following financial reports shall be presented at the Annual General Meeting:
- Membership report,
- Financial reports including assets as well as revenue and expenses for the year.
- Proposed Budget for the upcoming year.
- Conduct at Meetings
Robert’s Rules of Order shall be observed at NWARTA meetings unless otherwise stated.
NWARTA Bylaws Document
Bylaws of the Northwestern Branch of the Alberta Retired Teachers’ Association Approved at Annual General Meeting June 13, 2024