September 7, 2023

President’s Report June 13, 2023

Hello and thank you for being here today at our annual AGM.  Special thanks to Gord and Leona for once again hosting us in their beautiful yard.

I have enjoyed serving as CERTA’s representative on the ARTA Board of Directors.  The meetings this year have been back in person, and I’ve enjoyed meeting new people, learning more about our organization, and hearing great stories about Marilyn, Lynda and Bonnie.

The retreat in May was wonderful with inspiring speakers and presentations, beautiful scenery, and interesting people – and a swimming pool, canoes, and walks.  Pure enjoyment!

I have not hosted any Zoom coffee meetings, but Stan has.  This provides a great opportunity to connect with others without leaving home!

This has been an exciting time for ARTA as we continue to grow to meet the needs of our members. The  ARTARx pharmacy is now open with deliveries in Edmonton and surrounding areas, with hopes for a license to ship prescriptions to soon be granted.  In the future, Calgary will have an ARTA office and an ARTARx site.  Both ventures will add profits to our plan to benefit members in the future with more services and less cost.

Our first event this year was the annual To Hell with the Bell breakfast.  The Vermilion Golf Course hosted a delicious branch.

In September,  we had a fall wiener roast and potluck meal which was a wonderful way to bid farewell to summer…that stayed around for another month!

The Christmas party in December was also at the Vermilion Golf Course with a delicious meal from Colleen’s Catering.  Lots of fun with visiting, games, a gift exchange, and special guest Jennifer Hope from the ARTA office who supplied door prizes.

Fun in the Park at the CN station in February was meant to include cross country skiing and snowshoeing, but cold temperatures caused a change of plans to coffee and visiting.

March found CERTA members at the Vermilion Bowling Alley – no high scores but lots of laughter – and a few sore muscles the next day.

In April CERTA members learned more about the ARTA Benefits plans, thanks to ARTA’s Gary Sawatzky and Amanda Shaw.

The green house tour in May took us to Dutchak’s north of Vermilion, to Off the Beaten Path, to Spade to Spoon between Irma and Wainwright and a stop in Irma to eat our bagged lunches.  I had never been to any of them, so it was great. All were lovely and we managed to fill our vehicles with plants.

In May Marilyn, Lynda and I attended the ARTA Retreat in Jasper at the beautiful Jasper Park Lodge.  It was wonderful to touch base with all the people we have meet at ARTA.  The speakers were excellent, contributing to the theme of Celebrating Milestones.

I am glad to take this opportunity to thank everyone for putting their trust in me and especially to Marilyn and Lynda for their great guidance.  We have created a new position for Marilyn – Communications director – as she stepped up and filled the need for me. The executive has been wonderful to work with and I have so enjoyed getting to know everyone better.

I would be remiss to not thank Alice for five years of dedicated service as CERTA treasurer.  She has worked so hard for all of us.  (She was also my first cooperating teacher.)

Eileen Hines