This organization, a regional branch of the provincial Alberta Retired Teachers’ Association, shall be known as the South West Alberta Retired Teachers’ Association (SWARTA).

The purpose of SWARTA is:

  • To provide opportunities for presentations, social events and activities for our branch members.
  • To promote volunteer activities within the community.
  • To keep our branch members informed about proposed changes that will affect their everyday lives.
  • To encourage our branch members to take an active role within ARTA.


  • All positions other than that of Past President will be for the term of one year from July 1st to June 30th and the elected member may be re-elected for a further term.
  • A member choosing to run for SWARTA President or Vice must first serve for one year on the SWARTA executive and be a member of ARTA.
  • Any elected member may resign by giving notice to the SWARTA executive. The SWARTA executive will then make an appointment to fill the position until the Spring AGM.
  • Signing authority will be given to the President, Vice President, and Treasurer. All cheques will require two signatures. Cheques made out to one with signing authority must be signed by the other two with signing authority.


  • Prepares all meeting agendas with the help of the Vice President.
  • Has the authority to call meetings.
  • Supervises all affairs of the Branch.
  • The President ensures the branch membership is kept fully informed about ARTA.
  • Attends the ARTA Board of Directors Meetings.
  • Attends the ARTA Annual General Meeting. If the President is unable to attend or is Chair of an ARTA committee, another branch member may be designated to attend the ARTA General Meeting with voting authority.
  • Ensures all branch delegates to the ARTA AGM receive information in a timely manner.
  • Submits a written report by September 15th of each year to the ARTA Executive Secretary regarding activities of the Branch and other matters as requested by the ARTA CEO.


  • Takes charge of the affairs of the Branch in the absence of the President.
  • Assists the President in the discharge of duties associated with that office.
  • Assists ARTA with the SWATCA Teachers’ Convention.
  • May be a designate for the President at an ARTA Board of Directors Meeting or the ARTA AGM if the President is unable to attend.
  • Must be a member of ARTA.


  • Keeps accurate records of all proceedings of the Branch.
  • Maintains all minutes, newsletters and reports of the Branch.
  • Upon request will:
    • Send the names, addresses and phone numbers of all elected members of the Branch after each election to the ARTA Executive Secretary.
    • Submit names, addresses and phone numbers of two elected ARTA Representatives to the ARTA CEO.
    • Submit any changes to the Bylaws to the Executive Secretary of ARTA.
    • Submit appropriate sections to ARTA for the SWARTA Website.
    • Submit a membership list to ARTA.


  • Prepares and submits an annual budget to the Branch Executive.
  • Keeps accurate financial records and submits reports to the executive as requested.
  • Makes disbursement of funds as directed and approved by the Branch executive.
  • Prepares a financial statement for audit purposes.


  • Accepts all nominations for each of the positions for the Spring Branch Elections.
  • Runs the election professionally and efficiently at the SWARTA Annual General Meeting in the spring.
  • Advises the executive upon request and supports all members of the executive.
  • This is an ex-officio position at Table Officer Meetings.


  • Two members will be elected each year to represent the interests of ARTA and will be called ARTA Specialists.
  • Will be in-serviced by ARTA to become knowledgeable about ARTA benefit and retirement resources.
  • Will be available to act as a resource for individuals, branch meetings, retirement seminars and convention booths and be prepared to put on presentations upon request.
  • Shall provide information only and not advice. Individuals requiring advice or additional information they will be directed to the ARTA office or benefit plan administrator.

BAR people:

  • Two members will be elected each year as Branch Area Representatives.
  • Will be in-serviced by ARTA to become knowledgeable about ARTA and the benefits ARTA offers to its members.
  • Will be available to act as a resource for individuals and branch meetings.


  • Member Outreach Chair – sends cards of good wishes and sympathy to Branch members and reaches out with letters, emails and phone calls as appropriate.
  • Social Chair – plans and organizes Branch social functions.
  • District Representatives –
    • Encourage their district members to attend branch activities.
    • Assist in keeping district membership informed.
    • Promote activities within their respective districts.
  • Newsletter Chair –
    • Publishes newsletters to assist in keeping members up to date on retirement concerns, meetings, social events, issues, and information.
    • Works in collaboration with SWARTA Table Officers.
  • Membership Chair
    • Maintains an accurate and up to date list of all members including addresses, phone numbers and email addresses and provides the list to the executive, district reps and social chair as requested.
    • Identifies individuals who have reached 85 years of age so that they may be awarded Honorary Life Memberships.
    • Emails reminders of meetings, events and newsletter to all SWARTA members.


  • SWARTA shall accept into full membership any retired teacher, fifty-five years of age or over, who made pension contributions to ATRF for five or more years.
  • The Branch will accept as an associate member
    • The spouse of any retired teacher.
    • The widow or widower of any retired teacher.
    • A Retired teacher from another province or from another educational institution.
  • Retired teachers will have their first year of membership at no charge.
  • Annual membership fees will cover the period from July 1st to June 30th of the following year.
  • The annual membership fee changes must be approved by a majority of members in attendance at the AGM.
  • Non-payment of fees six months from the July 1st commencement of the New Year shall result in the member being dropped from the membership roster and forfeiting benefits of membership.

D. Attendance at the ARTA AGM:

  • Attendees must have their membership fees in good standing with both SWARTA and ARTA.
  • The number of representatives shall be determined by ARTA based on the number of branch members holding both a SWARTA and an ARTA membership.
  • Representation will be determined by ARTA based on the SWARTA membership list provided to the ARTA Executive Secretary upon request.


  • All meetings are to be conducted consistent with Robert’s Rules of Order.
  • Dates and number of Executive and General Meetings will be determined by the executive. There will be at least three executive meetings and two General Meetings which may be held in conjunction with an organized event. Meetings may be held via technology upon request.
  • All positions are on a voluntary basis. However, all executive members from outside Lethbridge attending a meeting not attached to an event shall receive remuneration for travel equivalent to the ARTA rate.

F. Branch By-laws:

  • May be amended at the Annual General Branch Meeting.
  • Will conform to ARTA By-laws.


It is the intention of the Branch to promote and enhance the positive image of retired teachers and ARTA among their membership and the Community.  The President or designate will be the only person authorized to speak with the media on behalf of the Branch.


Revised May 2023