Meet our Team

SWARTA Executive 2022-2023

SWARTA Executive:  Table Officers

President:  Terry Whitehead

Vice-President:  Linda Virostek

Past-President:  Doreen Pawlowski

Secretary:      TBD

Treasurer:   Valerie Madsen


Executive:  Committee Chairs

Membership:   Wendy Brown

Social Committee Chair: Laurie Mitchell 

Member Outreach: TBD

Communications Committee:    Terry Whitehead, Linda Virostek (newsletter), Wendy Brown

SWATCA Convention Rep:    Linda Virostek


ARTA Specialists: Blair Lowry Craig Whitehead

BAR People: Rod Lowry, Sharon Hatch

AGM delegates:  Terry Whitehead (President), Blair Lowry, Craig Whitehead, Linda Virostek, Doreen Pawlowski, alternate (Sharon Hatch)


District Representatives:

Holy Spirit:  Vaughan Coupland

Horizon:       Doreen Pawlowski

Lethbridge #51: vacant

Livingstone Range:  Dianne Yarmoloy

Palliser:       Marie Wickham

Westwind:   Sharon Hatch


Provincial Committee Members

ARTA Benefit Committee:  Patricia Atkinson

ARTA Pension and Financial Wellness Committee:     Blair Lowry, Craig Whitehead

ARTA Benefit Plan Trust Fund Board of Directors:      Arlene Purcell