Meeting and Luncheon

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

10:30 am

Super 8 Hotel
Hwy. 16A West, Spruce Grove

“HAPPY NEW YEAR” from your PARTA Executive! We remain committed to our goals of learning and expanding our horizons and look forward to hosting presentations throughout the year on current and interesting topics. We encourage you to share experiences and continue to suggest topics of interest you feel may be of value to our membership.

Guest presenter for our first meeting in 2020, is:

Gary Garrison
Grandparent and Author of:
“Raising Grandkids:  Inside Skipped Generation Families”

Gary is highly recommended as a speaker on this personal and timely topic. He will be available for questions following his talk and will have copies of his book available for purchase.

*** Under the new hotel management, we are required to give an accurate count of those remaining for the meal following the meeting. When you reply to this invitation please include your intention to stay for the meal. In future, the menu will change monthly and the meal will be served in our meeting room.

We encourage you to join us for this meeting and presentation and to bring along an interested friend:

at 10:30 a.m.
in the Super 8 Hotel
Hwy. 16A West, Spruce Grove

$3.00 per person for meeting only (includes beverages)
$15.00 per person for meeting and full buffet lunch

Please reply to Judy Cruise
indicating if you wish to partake in the lunch following the meeting

Phone 780-963-4716 

*** Please take note of the following reminders*** 

New members are always welcome! We challenge you to introduce a new member to PARTA this year!

If you are currently a member but unable to attend our meetings and wish to renew your membership and receive the monthly invitations and newsletters, please contact the address or telephone number above and arrangements will be made.

Our annual membership/renewal drive for 2019-20 began in September with a yearly membership of $10.00. These fees are necessary to effectively carry on the business of the branch and help with its forward development. Please renew your membership if you have not already done so.

PARTA website and meeting “Briefing Notes” can be accessed at:

Remaining meeting dates for this year are:  February 4, March 3, April 7, May 5 and June 2 (AGM)

Food Bank donations are accepted at all meetings. We encourage you to bring an item to share with those less fortunate.

For those of you who have not previously joined us, please be informed that the meetings are held in the small conference room.  A full buffet lunch is available following the meeting if you choose to stay. You may enter the Hotel either through the south (recommended) or front entrance. Ample parking is available at either entrance.

Hope to see you all on the 7th!

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