For Retired Teachers

Welcome to the website of the Parkland Area Retired Teachers’ Association (PARTA) a branch of the Alberta Retired Teachers’ Association (ARTA). PARTA mainly serves retired teachers who live or have worked in Spruce Grove, Stony Plain, Parkland County and surrounding areas.

How to Join

With the Parkland Area Retired Teachers' Association, you can remain involved in your community in meaningful ways.


PARTA Newsletter – September 2023

PARTA Newsletter – September 2023 President’s Message I am proud to lead our group for another two-year term and want to thank all the Executive and members for their support and encouragement at the June AGM. This newsletter serves as a reminder of our upcoming PARTA year and dates you may want to put in […]

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PARTA Newsletter – September, 2022

President’s Message So….. we have experienced our Summer 2022 as retirees and I welcome you back to what is, hopefully, a little more “normal” existence – whatever that is. My husband and I just returned from a group bus tour to Haida Gwaii for 11 days and then a short trip for a family birthday […]

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