January 6, 2022

Book Talk Tuesdays

Many of us are reading much more than we once were, and with winter and COVID here, I expect we will be searching for more titles or authors that will engage us in this favourite pastime.

To that end, EIRTA will be holding “Book Talk Tuesday” Zoom meetings from 7:00 pm to 8:00 or 8:30 pm on the second Tuesday of the next few months.

How it will work…

Each book talk will focus on a different genre.  Participants will be invited to share the title of a favorite book or the author of a series of books in the genre for that session. A quick description, perhaps of the main character or the central conflict, will help participants decide if they will look for that book for themselves.

How to register…

Contact me at elk.island.rta@shaw.ca and let me know the session(s) you would like to register for.  As an EIRTA member, you are invited to register for as many of these book talks as you would like.  You may also register a guest.

First, I will confirm your registration by return email. Then, the day before the book talk, I will send an email to the address you used for your registration, and that email will include your link to the Zoom meeting for that talk.

Book Talk dates and topics…

  • November 9 – Mysteries/Crime Stories
  • December 14 – Historical Fiction
  • January 11 – Biographies/Autobiographies
  • February 8 – Thrillers
  • March 8 – Fantasy/Science Fiction
  • April 19 – Money Matters/Economics

(I know, that April 19 is the third Tuesday, not the second one.  Unfortunately, I already have a commitment on April 12.)

More dates and genres might be added to this list if this becomes a popular event.

Also, I would like to remind you that I am willing to work with you if you would like to learn how to access a Zoom session.  No promises, but I have managed to get several people started, so the odds are good that I can help you.

Inge Coates