
Article I

  1. The name of the Branch is ‘Elk Island Retired Teachers’ Association’ herein also referred to as the ‘society’, and ‘Elk Island Retired Teachers.’
  2. The mailing address and telephone number of this Branch shall be those of the President. The email address shall be that of the association, managed by the president or his/her designate.

Article II
Mission Statement and Objects

  1. Mission Statement:
    1. Elk Island Retired Teachers’ Association provides a communication platform that conveys information of interest to its retired membership regarding planned social events, learning opportunities, and health and wellness initiatives. At all times, members are encouraged to participate in the planning as well as the events.
    2. Elk Island Retired Teachers’ Association acts as a conduit that helps members access Alberta Retired Teachers’ Association (ARTA) information and services, and Elk Island Retired Teachers may make representations to ARTA to access member support and give seniors a voice.
  2. The Objects of this Branch are:
    1. To promote a sense of community,
    2. To help address seniors’ issues and needs through organizing events and offering information sessions,
    3. To act as a link to ARTA services,
    4. To encourage members to take an active interest in the affairs of Elk Island Retired Teachers’ Association and ARTA, and
    5. To maintain a history and archive of the branch as information for future Executives and members.

Article III
Area of Operation

  1. The operations of this Branch are to be carried on chiefly in the geographic areas of the Elk Island Public and Elk Island Separate School Systems.


  1. Type of Organization

    1. Elk Island Retired Teachers’ Association, a not for profit, charitable organization, is a branch of the Alberta Retired Teachers’ Association (ARTA).
    2. The purposes, objects, and bylaws of the Elk Island Retired Teachers’ Association shall generally conform to the purposes, objects, and bylaws of ARTA.
  2. Parliamentary Procedure
    1. Parliamentary procedure shall be observed at all meetings.
  3. Composition of Membership
    1. Membership
      1. Elk Island Retired Teachers’ Association will accept into membership any retired teacher who is receiving a pension from the Alberta Teachers’ Retirement Fund, Barnett House, Edmonton.
      2. All Elk Island Retired Teachers’ Association memberships are contingent upon the payment of the annual fee for such memberships.
      3. If any member is in arrears for fees or assessments for any year, such member shall not be entitled to membership privileges or powers for that year. They may, however, renew their membership in a future membership year (see Bylaw 4.1 and 4.3.)
      4. Any member, upon a majority vote of the association at a general meeting, may be expelled from membership for any cause that the association may deem reasonable.
      5. All Elk Island Retired Teachers’ Association members who are eligible to be members of ARTA are strongly encouraged to become ARTA members.
      6. A member may resign from Elk Island Retired Teachers’ Association by informing the president or membership chairperson by telephone, letter or email; however, membership fees will not be refunded.
    2. Associate Membership
      1. Elk Island Retired Teachers’ Association will accept into associate membership the following:
        1. The spouse of a member or the spouse of a deceased member of this Branch,
        2. Any retired teacher who is receiving a pension from other than the Alberta Teacher Retirement Fund.
        3. Any retired teacher (possessing a teaching certificate) who is not receiving a pension,
        4. Any retired classified (non-teaching) school staff member who is sponsored by a member of this Branch and is accepted by the Executive.
      2. Associate members will have restricted voting power as follows:
        1. Full voting power on matters of local concern,
        2. No voting power on matters relating to ARTA.
          Note: Only ARTA members may vote on matters relating to ARTA.
      3. Associate members will not be eligible for election to the executive but may sit on committees.
        Note: Because branch Executives are also on the Board of Directors for ARTA, it is not possible for non-ARTA members to be part of the branch Executive. 
      4. All Associate Elk Island Retired Teachers’ Association memberships are contingent upon the payment of the annual fee for Elk Island Retired Teachers’ Association.
    3. Life Membership
      1. Life members are those who have reached the age of 80 years and have been members in good standing for 10 consecutive years before they have reached the age of 80 years.
      2. Life members shall enjoy the benefits of regular membership free of charge.
    4. Honorary Membership
      1. Elk Island Retired Teachers’ Association will accept into honorary membership a person who has made a significant contribution to education, is sponsored by a member of this branch, is recommended by the Executive, and is accepted at a general meeting.
      2. An honorary member will have the status of an Associate Member.
      3. In all other respects, an honorary membership is a Life Membership
  4. Finances
    1. The financial year for Elk Island Retired Teachers’ Association is July 1 to June 30.
    2. The amount of the annual membership fee may be changed by a majority vote at a Special Meeting as outlined in Bylaws 6.2.2 and 6.2.3.
    3. Fees shall become due from members and associate members of Elk Island Retired Teachers’ Association as of July 1 and, to maintain a membership in good standing, must be paid by October 31 of that year. A receipt shall be issued on payment of the said fee.
    4. All cheques of Elk Island Retired Teachers’ Association shall be signed by two of the following designated officers:
      1. President
      2. Treasurer
      3. Vice President
      4. Secretary
    5. The financial report shall be presented at the Annual General Meeting. Prior to the presentation, two members appointed by the Executive shall audit the financial records.
    6. Elk Island Retired Teachers’ Association shall not borrow money for the purpose of carrying out its Objects.
    7. The books and records of the Elk Island Retired Teachers’ Association may be inspected by any member of the Elk Island Retired Teachers’ Association at any time upon giving reasonable notice and arranging a time that is satisfactory to the officer or officers having charge of the same. Each member of the Executive shall at all times have access to such books and records.
    8. Unless authorized at any meeting and after notice for same shall have been given, no officer or member of the association shall receive any remuneration for his/her services.
  5. Management
    1. Executive officers of Elk Island Retired Teachers’ Association shall be elected annually.
    2. Executives of Elk Island Retired Teachers’ Association shall also be members of ARTA
    3. The Executive shall consist of the following:
      1. President
      2. Vice President
      3. Past President
      4. Secretary
      5. Treasurer
      6. Chairpersons of all standing committees
      7. Any Elk Island Retired Teachers’ Association member who is an officer of the ARTA Executive
      8. Any Elk Island Retired Teachers’ Association member who is an ARTA Representative trained by ARTA in explaining ARTA’s Benefit Plan and ARTA’s Pension and Advocacy roles.
      9. Member(s) at large
    4. Duties of Officers of the Executive:
      The Executive shall, subject to the bylaws or directions given it by majority vote at any meeting properly called and constituted, have full control and management of the affairs of the society.

      1. President:
        The President shall be an ex-officio member of all Committees. He/she shall, when present, preside at all meetings of the society and of the Executive. In his/her absence, the Vice President shall preside at any such meetings. In the absence of both, a chairperson may be elected at the meeting to preside.The President or his/her designate shall represent the branch at ARTA’s Board of Directors’ meetings.The President shall be a delegate or assign a replacement delegate at the ARTA AGM. He/she will name a slate of delegates to attend this AGM that is in accordance with the number allotted to the branch by ARTA.The President shall prepare and present an annual report at the Elk Island Retired Teachers’ Association AGM, and he/she shall also submit that report to ARTA for their AGM.
      2. Past President:
        The Past President chairs the nominating committee and conducts the elections for the AGM. He/she provides assistance to the President and Executive as needed. He/she shares ideas, guidance, and expertise with the Executive Committee and serves as a full, voting member of the Executive Committee. In the event that the Past President is absent, the Executive will assign these duties during an Executive meeting.
      3. Vice President:
        The Vice President will act as the President if the President is absent or unable to fulfill his/her duties as outlined above. In the absence of both, a chairperson may be elected at the meeting to preside. The Vice President shall complete duties as determined by the President or Executive. He/she will have the power to vote and will participate as an active member of the Executive.
      4. Secretary:
        It shall be the duty of the Secretary to attend all meetings of the association and of the Executive, and to keep accurate minutes of the same. In case of the absence of the Secretary, his/her duties shall be discharged by such officer as may be appointed by the Executive. The Secretary shall have charge of all the correspondence of the association under the direction of the President and the Executive. He/she is responsible for archiving the previous year’s Executive meetings and AGM documents.When a new secretary is elected, the past secretary will meet with him/her to advise them of the location of existing records.
      5. Treasurer:
        The Treasurer shall receive all monies paid to the association and be responsible for the deposit of these monies in whatever Bank, Trust Company, Credit Union or Treasury Branch the Executive may order. He/she shall present a full, detailed account of receipts and disbursements to the Executive whenever requested and shall prepare, for submission to the Annual General Meeting, a statement duly audited of the financial position of the association. He/she shall also submit a copy of this document to the Secretary for the records of the association.The Treasurer shall give the Membership Chairperson all pertinent information to maintain an up-to-date membership list.
      6. Membership Chairperson:
        The Membership Chairperson shall maintain accurate, current records of members, including dates up to which fees have been paid, contact information, and the status of FOIP permission. He/she shall co-ordinate with the Communications Chair and Phoning Chair in order to provide current information regarding members’ contact information. Competence in using a spreadsheet format is recommended.
      7.  Communications Chairperson:
        The Communications Chairperson shall ensure that information, determined by the Executive to be important to the membership, is disseminated, in a timely manner, through appropriate media such as telephone, written mail, email blasts, newsletters, or the website. He/she will have a working understanding of the technologies used for communication, and/or will work with a designate who has such knowledge.The Communications Chairperson will ensure that the website owned by the branch is properly maintained, and will attempt to find a second Webmaster who will be trained to continue the work should the first Webmaster be unable to do so.
      8. Phoning Committee Chairperson:
        The Phoning Committee Chairperson is responsible for ensuring that members who do not access the Internet receive information determined by the executive as important to the membership through a call-out system.
      9. Social Committee:
        The Social Committee is a self-determining committee that acts with or without a chairperson. Members of this committee organize events by determining, among themselves, who will be responsible for what. Members at Large may volunteer on this committee for specific events.
      10. Compassion and Congratulations Committee:
        The Compassion and Congratulations Committee is responsible for reviewing obituaries, birth, and other announcement pages of various local publications and for following through to obtain further information when advised of such events. He/she will also send a card on behalf of Elk Island Retired Teachers’ Association to the individual or the family, to honour such events. Information about events shall be passed on to the Communications Committee in a timely manner.In the event that this position is not filled, the Secretary may respond to obituary notices that are directed to him/her and will send a card on behalf of Elk Island Retired Teachers’ Association as described above. The Secretary, however, will not be expected to search for obituary, birth or other announcements in addition to his/her other duties.
    5. Chairpersons of committees may select members for their committees as required.
    6. The ARTA Annual General Meeting shall be attended by the President and Vice President or their designates and by any other Executive members as allowed by Elk Island Retired Teachers’ Association’s entitlement to delegates, as determined by ARTA.
    7. Vacancies occurring on the Executive during their term shall be filled at the discretion of the Executive, except that, in all cases, the President shall be replaced by the Vice-President.
    8. Any officer may be removed from office for any cause which the association may deem reasonable upon a majority vote of members in good standing attending a general meeting (see Bylaws 6.2.2 and 6.2.3.)
  6. Meetings
    1. Annual General Meeting
      1. The annual general meeting of Elk Island Retired Teachers’ Association shall be as close to June 1 as feasible.
      2. A quorum at the annual general meeting shall consist of ten percent (10%) of Elk Island Retired Teachers’ Association memberships.
      3. The order of business at the annual general meeting shall be as follows:
        1. Submission of the annual reports of the president and treasurer, and such other reports as the Executive may decide,
        2. Other general business as the Executive may decide,
        3. The installation of the new Executive officers,
        4. New business, and
        5. Program and/or socializing.
    2. Other General Meetings
      1. Besides the Annual General Meeting, there shall be a minimum of two other General Meetings per year.
      2. Additional General Meetings may be called as decided by the Executive. These General Meetings shall be called Special General Meetings. The membership shall be given at least two weeks’ notice of a Special General Meeting.
      3. A quorum at the other General Meetings as well as at the Special General Meetings shall consist of ten percent (10%) of Elk Island Retired Teachers’ Association memberships.
    3. Executive Meetings
      1. Meetings of the Executive shall be held as often as may be required and shall be called by the President.
      2. A special meeting may be called on the instructions of any two Executive members provided they request the President, in writing, to call such meeting, and state the business to be brought before the meeting.
      3. At least 2 signing officers (see Bylaw 4.4) and 2 additional Executive members shall constitute a quorum.
    4. Notification of Meetings
      1. General Meetings
        1. All members shall be notified of general meetings through the Elk Island Retired Teachers’ Association’s website, a newsletter, or email 10 days prior to each meeting, or with 3 days’ notice by telephone or email.
      2. Executive Meetings
        1. Meeting dates of the Executive shall normally be decided at the end of the last meeting. Changes in that date or time shall be given to each member by telephone or email with a minimum of 3 days’ notice.
        2. Meetings may be held without notice if a quorum of the Executive is present, provided however, that any business transactions at such a meeting shall be ratified at the next regularly called meeting of the Executive; otherwise, they shall be null and void.
        3. Special Meetings of the Executive or general body shall be done in accordance with Bylaws 6.4.1, or
    5. Voting
      1. Voting at all meetings shall be by a show of hands.
      2. Proxy voting shall be permitted according to the specifications below.
        1. Proxy voting is permitted if the person chosen to vote
          1. Is a member of Elk Island Retired Teachers’ Association
          2. Can produce a dated, and signed proxy form (see below) filled in handwriting by the absent member, naming the person who will vote in his or her stead for that particular meeting on that particular day.
        2. The proxy form is only effective for a single meeting. Each future meeting will require a new form to be filled.
        3. No one may have more than one proxy vote in addition to his or her own vote.
      3. When a vote is called, a show of hands of present members is first counted. If there is a clear majority of those present, no proxy votes will be asked for. If there is a split vote, all proxy votes will be tabulated after the show of hands. At this time, a second show of hands will be called to count the votes of anyone voting in proxy. These votes will be tabulated together with the preceding show of hands for a final count.
      4. The Proxy Form below may be reproduced, printed from the website, or may be totally written out by hand.
        1. Proxy Vote
          I, ____________________________________, am an Elk Island Retired Teachers’ Association member in good standing. I hereby allow ____________________________________ who is also an Elk Island Retired Teachers’ Association member in good standing to vote in my stead at Elk Island Retired Teachers’ Association’s meeting on ____________________________________.
          Signed on (date) ____________________________________.
          Signature ____________________________________.
  7. Amendments
    1. These Articles and Bylaws may be amended, rescinded or altered by special resolution at any General Meeting provided that notice of the amendment has been given at the previous General Meeting. There shall be a notice of 21 days prior to such a general meeting, and motions shall be deemed carried by a majority vote.