Spring Luncheon

WHEN:  Friday, June 14, 2024
              Doors open at 11:30 am with lunch at 12:15 pm followed by the program.
WHERE:  Ponoka Drop In Centre, 5015 – 46 Ave., Ponoka
COST:  $15/person payable at the door for soup and sandwich lunch by Bob Ronnie Catering.
             Cost is being subsidized from our ARTA grant.
RSVP:  Please RSVP by Sunday, June 9 if you are attending or not.
             RSVP to Frank Tschabold at fwctschabold@shaw.ca or 403-783-6436 as we need
             numbers for the caterer. Spouses/partners or an accompanying friend or family
             member are always welcome at our events.
AGENDA:  – doors open at 11:30 am
                   – lunch at 12:15 pm
                   – program to follow lunch
                   – as part of the program, we will hear about the Lending Cupboard in Red Deer
                     from Lori Shatto, executive director
                   – door prize draws
WCRTA branch memberships can be renewed or extended at the door.
$5 a year or $20 for five years.
Please help spread the word about the luncheon and encourage others to attend. Try to bring
someone new or someone that hasn’t attended in a while.  Offer a ride, especially to those
colleagues who no longer drive.  Hope to see you there on June 14.


RSVP to Frank at fwctschabold@shaw.ca or 403-783-6436 by June 9.
Other dates to save on your calendar:
TuesdayAugust 27, 2024 – Welcome to Retirement/To Hell With The Bell Breakfast
Friday, November 29, 2024 – Christmas Luncheon
  • Event Date: June 14, 2024
  • Event Time: 11:00 am
  • Location: Ponoka Drop In Centre, 5015 - 46 Ave., Ponoka