Welcome to WCRTA

WCRTA supports the health, social well-being, active living and ageing of its members.

Wolf Creek Retired Teachers’ Association helps retirees to stay connected and enjoy an engaged lifestyle in retirement.

Recent News

October 2023 WCRTA Communication

  • October 24, 2023
Reminder to save Friday, December 8 on your calendars. This is the date for our WCRTA Christmas Luncheon. Watch for details and RSVP information in mid-November. We will again be…

May 2023 WCRTA Communication

  • May 8, 2023
The dates for our 2023 WCRTA events have been set. Save Monday, June 12, Wednesday, August 30, and Friday, December 8, on your calendars. The Ponoka Drop-In and the caterer…

Upcoming Events

Welcome to Retirement/To Hell With The Bell Breakfast

  • Event Date: August 27, 2024
More information coming soon

Christmas Luncheon

  • Event Date: November 29, 2024
More information coming soon