WCRTA Membership Information
Membership in WCRTA is open to any retired teacher, retired substitute teacher, retired support staff, those retirees from other educational systems, and other retirees participating in the ARTA benefit plan as well as spouses of the above. Our members generally come from the communities of Alix, Bentley, Blackfalds, Bluffton, Clive, Crestomere, Eckville, Lacombe, Mecca Glen, Mirror, Ponoka, Rimbey, and Tees and surrounding areas in the counties of Lacombe and Ponoka, as well as those formally associated with schools from these areas.
Membership in WCRTA is $5.00 annually or $20.00 for five years. Our membership year runs from September 1st to August 31st. Membership in ARTA is encouraged but not necessary to belong to WCRTA. Retired teachers must have an active ARTA membership to serve in a position with ARTA.
Members who attain an age of 85 are given a lifetime free membership in WCRTA. There is a free membership to WCRTA in the first year of retirement and complimentary breakfast at the Welcome to Retirement/To Hell with the Bell Breakfast.
Our primary method of information delivery for the branch is by e-mail.