Elected Executive positions:
Retirees who take on these responsibilities must be members of STARTA as well as members of ARTA.
Co-Presidents: Mary-Pat O’Neill and (Interim) Wendy Poirier
Vice Presidents: Sue Kennedy
Secretary: Donna Fedoration
Treasurer: Leo Bruseker
Executive positions are often shared to encourage participation by many, and promote fellowship and purpose.
Committee Positions:
Past Presidents: Debbie Kelley and Marian Oberg
Program Coordinators: To be filled
Membership Contact: Maurine Maslen
STARTA Historian: Joyce Keltie
News Bulletin: Peggy Bergmann & Ardyth Garrison
STARTA/ARTA Communications Liaison: Gail Cuff
Ambiance Co-Ordinator: Debbie Kelley
Retirees who take on these responsibilities must be members of STARTA. Committee positions are either filled on a volunteer basis, or are appointed and then agree to serve in the position.