
  1. Receives and disburses money on behalf of FRTA.
  2. Arranges for the collection of money for breakfasts.
  3. Balances the money collected with the number of people present.
  4. Pays the breakfast bills.
  5. Deposits money from book sales and auctions.
  6. Arranges for the President to sign membership cards and cheques.
  7. Arranges for the collection of membership dues and deposits the money.
  8. Keeps a spread sheet of all transactions.
  9. Prepares a monthly statement for each executive meeting.
  10. Prepares a yearly financial report for the Annual General Meeting. This includes a balance sheet, income statement, as well as a budget for the following year.
  11. Writes cheques for expenses incurred by members.
  12. Balances the monthly statements from the bank with spread sheets.
  13. Keeps an accurate account, with cheque stubs and bills submitted, of all transactions.
  14. Arranges a meeting with the bank for co-signers of cheques.
  15. Serves as a member of the Executive Committee
  16. Attends meetings of FRTA including Executive committee, breakfast and the annual general meeting.
  17. Provides supplies, eg, raffle tickets, membership cards and money containers as required.
  18. Drafts a budget for the Executive Committee and presents the finalized budget to the Annual General Meeting.
  19. Prepares an annual financial statement and present it to the membership at the Annual General Meeting.
