Foothills Retired Teachers’ Association (FRTA) – Bylaws

  1. Name
    The name of this branch of the Alberta Retired Teachers’ Association (ARTA) shall be “The Foothills Retired Teachers’ Association”, hereinafter referred to as FRTA.
  2. Membership
    1. Voting Membership. FRTA will accept into membership, with full voting power, any retired teacher in receipt of a pension from The Alberta Teachers’ Retirement Fund.
    2. Associate Membership (non-voting). The following persons may be accepted as Association Members
      1. The spouse/partner of a member or deceased member
      2. Honorary Members of the Alberta Teachers’ Association
      3. A retired teacher from another province or another educational institution
      4. A retired school employee
      5. Other persons as approved by the Executive
    3. Honorary Memberships. FRTA may, at its discretion, grant an honorary life membership.
    4. FRTA Honorary Life Members. FRTA members age 85 years and over may apply to be FRTA Honorary Life Members who no longer are required to pay annual dues provided they have been members for any 5 years. FRTA Honorary Life Members have full voting power.
  3. Objectives
    The objectives of FRTA shall be:

    1. To promote good fellowship among retired educators.
    2. To maintain contact with all members.
    3. To encourage the participation of new retirees.
    4. To promote contact with other retired educators in the area.
    5. To assist in protecting the welfare of retired educators.
    6. To maintain liaison with ARTA.
    7. To encourage members to support the activities of ARTA.
    8. To make FRTA a highly regarded organization in the community.
  4. Executive Officers
    1. Executive Officers shall be:
      1. President
      2. Past President
      3. Vice-President
      4. Secretary/Treasurer (or two individuals, one per office)
      5. Directors (up to three, number determined at AGM)
    2. The responsibilities of the executive shall be established at the first regular meeting of the executive and shall be as generally accepted by ARTA
    3. The Executive (except the Past President) shall be elected annually at the general meeting held as part of a Spring social function. The Past President shall prepare and offer a nomination slate, with one name for each position, for the consideration of the membership. Additional nominations from the floor shall be in order. The term of office shall begin on June 1 following.
    4. Should a vacancy occur during a term, the Executive shall appoint a replacement except that the Vice-President shall be appointed if the position of President becomes vacant and a new Vice-President shall be appointed.
    5. Any director or officer, upon a majority vote of all members in good standing, may be removed from office for any cause which the society may deem reasonable.
  5. Finances
    1. The fiscal year of FRTA shall be June 1 to May 31.
    2. The annual fee shall be recommended from time to time by the Executive and approved at a general meeting.
    3. The annual membership fee covers the period from June 1 to May 31 following.
    4. Payment of expenses shall be as authorized by the Executive. All payments will require two signatures. Signing officers shall be the Treasurer and one or more Executive Officers whose signatures are on file with the bank.
    5. The accounts of FRTA shall be audited as directed by the executive subject to the approval by the Annual General Meeting.
  6. Meetings
    1. Executive Meetings. The Executive shall meet at the call of the President who shall convene the group a minimum of three times per year.
    2. Annual General Meeting. The Annual General Meeting of the membership shall be held by May 31, in conjunction with a spring social function. The agenda shall include:
      1. The annual report of the President
      2. Reports of Executive Officers as necessary
      3. Reports of committees as necessary
      4. The audited financial statement of previous year
      5. Presentation of Balance Sheet and a Statement of Revenue and Expenses for the current year
      6. The appointment of 2 volunteer auditors
      7. The election of executive officers
      8. New business
    3. General Meetings. Other general meetings, in addition to the Annual General Meeting, may be called by the Executive as deemed necessary for the effective and satisfactory operation of FRTA. Membership shall be notified at least two weeks prior to the date of the meeting.
    4. Social Functions. Social activities shall be organized by the Executive each year.
    5. Ad Hoc Committee. An ad hoc committee may be formed by the Executive to organize or plan a specific project or event. Each ad hoc committee will elect a chairperson who will be responsible to report to the Executive. The FRTA President or designate is an ex officio member of the ad hoc committee. Ad hoc committees refer all financial decisions to the Executive.
  7. Quorum
    1. The quorum for any meeting of the membership of FRTA shall be 15 members of who at least 3 shall be Executive members.
    2. The quorum for any meeting of the Executive shall be a simple majority.
  8. Procedures
    Parliamentary procedure shall be observed at all meetings of the Association.
  9. Amendments
    Amendments to this constitution and any related by-laws shall be approved at the AGM by an affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the voting members present at the meeting, provided notice has been given no later than at the previous meeting.