CARTA Annual Meeting
June 13 at 9:30 AM
St. Leonard’s Church
CARTA needs your ideas, input, enthusiasm, and assistance on the executive. Your commitment can vary depending on your schedule. If you have any questions, please just ask at
Before the meeting, we will have a short humorous play:
THE RED DEER READERS’ THEATRE SOCIETY proudly presents a Play Reading of “THE AGES”
A poetic entertainment arranged by Weldon Matthews and directed by Jeff Challoner
“The Ages” is a collection of poems and limericks, written by various poets – some of them, well-known and loved, such as Robert Louis Stephenson, A. A. Milne, and Dylan Thomas. The play is arranged in seven sections, corresponding to the Seven Ages of Man, as described by William Shakespeare in “AS YOU LIKE IT” Act 2, Scene 7. There, the speech compares life to a stage, and catalogues the seven stages of a person’s life, from Infancy to Old Age. Many of the poems are quite humorous! We hope you enjoy our presentation! – Jeff Challoner
Is hearing an issue for you or a family member? Staff from HearingLife will provide a presentation to us (lunch and learn) if we have enough interest. Please contact us at if this is of interest to you or a loved one. HearingLife is a Partner and Supporter of ARTA. But we can only book this if there is sufficient interest in a presentation.
Their hearing professionals are well versed on the following topics:
- How we hear
- Recognizing the signs of hearing loss
- Different types of hearing loss, what are the correct corrective measures
- Tinnitus and how to manage it in our everyday lives
- The hidden cost of untreated hearing loss
- Noise exposure and hearing loss
- The link between hearing loss and cognitive decline
- Coping with hearing loss and how hearing aids can help
- Latest hearing aid technology, hands-free connectivity
- Tips & tricks for effective communication
The ARTA “Get Moving Wellness Challenge” started on Monday, April 1st and runs until Sunday, June 30th. You still have time! This is an activity that encourages our members to live an active and engaged lifestyle by tracking the time spent on any activity that gets you moving. During this challenge, we are being asked to keep track of the time spent doing any activity for 30 days over the 3 months. Time can be tracked on your watch, fitness tracker or cell phone.
We would like to have 30 or more. Your spouse or significant other is welcome to participate, as long as one of you is a paid-up CARTA member.
Let’s go, Team CARTA! We can do this!
Wellness Challenge Co-ordinator
September 4: To Hell With the Bell Breakfast. Doors open at 8:30 and breakfast at 9:00. This year we will be having the event at Calder School at Sunnybrook Farm (2879 Botterill Crescent).
September 5: Second Wind Conference in Edmonton. More details at
September 28: Central Alberta Retired Teachers’ Art Show and Sale. For more information contact Margaret at
December 5: Christmas Lunch. Doors open at 11:30 and turkey dinner at 12 noon. This event will also be held at the Calder School at Sunnybrook Farm (2879 Botterill Crescent).
Inkblots, our writing group, continue to meet. Contact Lyle at for more information. The new web site will feature a “Writer of the Month.” Join Inkblots and share your writing. If you are selected as Writer of the Month, you will be asked to sign a waiver stating that you grant CARTA the right to publish your selection.
Membership in CARTA is $10 / year or $50 for six years. Please contact Margaret at
Special thank you to Marie Mann, Jeanette Van Hyfte, and Yolanda Stubbs for their presentation on Aging and Memory on February 14 and Osteoarthritis on April 11 at the Golden Circle. Great job, ladies!!
Thank you to the following who volunteered at the Teachers’ Convention: Ila Forbes, Estelle Froese, Marie Mann, Bea Mayberry, Wayne Phillips, Margaret Roome, Donna Toivanen, and Edna Warriner. Such enthusiasm for retirement!!
CARTA has its website up and running. Go to the ARTA website, go to Branches and to the CARTA Branch. It is still in its initial formation. If you have an interest in websites we could use some help.
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