Who is CARTA?
We, the Central Alberta Retired Teachers’ Association, liaison with ARTA on behalf of our members and provide information on retirement issues and the ARTA Benefits Plan. Our purpose is to provide information to our retired teachers and their families, as well our affiliates and members. We also plan events that include social events, health and wellness activities, and other learning opportunities. Members are encouraged to take part in activities as well as organize new activities!
- Membership in CARTA is $10 annually or $50 for six years.
- Current membership in CARTA is about 300.
- Our year is considered July 1 until June 30 of the following year.
- Members who attain an age of 85 are given a Lifetime Membership, a free membership in CARTA.
- Please contact Margaret at mroome@shaw.ca or (403) 347-5500 for more information.
Our Branch’s Benefits
CARTA has many social opportunities which allow our members to stay connected with their colleagues. We offer wellness sessions including sessions on art, walking, games, Taoist Tao Chi, In Body, and help sessions on topics such as power of attorney and living wills with a local lawyer. In September, we typically have our annual Art Show and Sale. If you enjoy writing, we have an active writing group called the Inkblots, as well as a travel blog. There are so many different ways your CARTA membership keeps you connected!