- The Okanagan Branch of Alberta Retired Teachers’ accepts as a member any retired teacher in receipt of an Alberta Teachers’ Retirement Fund pension.
- The Branch accepts as an Associate Member
- The spouse of any retired teacher,
- The widow or widower of any retired teacher,
- A retired teacher from another province or from another educational institution
- Any retired teacher who has been unable to qualify for an ATRF pension,
- A former employee of the Alberta Teachers’ Association or of The Alberta Teachers’ Retirement Fund
- All members shall have voting privileges except when an issue might impinge upon or involve ATRF pensions and then only those who are in receipt of an ATRF pension are entitled to vote.
- Membership is contingent upon the payment of the appropriate annual fee. The current annual fee is $10
- Honorary Life Membership may be conferred only by the Branch Executive
- Any member of the Branch may submit, in writing, with reasons, a person’s name for consideration
- The Branch Executive shall designate a Selection Committee to make recommendations to the Executive for final approval.
- The Selection Committee may initiate recommendations for up to two(2) Honorary Life Memberships in any one year. They may select a nominee on their own
- To qualify for consideration a candidate must be a current member of the Branch and must have made a significant contribution to it.
- Expulsion from the Branch shall occur if
- The member violates the Objects of the Branch, tries to speak and represents himself (herself) as a spokesperson for the Branch (when not entitled to do so), or behaves in a manner which seems to bring disrepute or dishonour to the Branch,
- The member has been convicted of a criminal offense.
- The member subject to expulsion and so notified by mail may request a hearing and if the person does so shall then get one before a five person panel consisting of four Branch members and one outsider all appointed by the Branch Executive. The place and a reasonable time for the hearing shall be determined by the Branch Executive.