OKARTA – Okanagan Alberta Retired Teachers Assn
OCTOBER 1, 2, 2019
President: Fred Resler
Secretary: Marilyn Resler
Treasurer: Carl McColl
The Alberta retired teachers of the Okanagan have enjoyed another year in the valley. We are pleased with the interest in the activities we have had. There are over 30 paid members in our group and over 100 names on our active email list. The people who make up our branch cover a large area extending from Vernon in the north through to Winfield, Kelowna, Peachland, Summerland, Penticton and Oliver ending at Osoyoos by the US border. We get together 4 or 5 times a year in and around Kelowna because of its central location.
The outings and events we had this year were well received. Our branch continues its initiatives for healthy living and with the help of grant money from ARTA were able to organize activities around that theme. A grant in September of 2018 allowed 16 members to receive their CPR/AED (Automated External Defibrillator) certification and was considered a very valuable and appreciated exercise. A second grant in May allowed us to bring Hailie Rondeau, RN consultant for ARTA to the Okanagan. She provided one-on-one private sessions for people who wished more information, a second opinion or a new approach to a personal health matter. These two events would not have been possible without the financial support of ARTA.
We kicked off ARTA’s Wellness Challenge with a walk along the Mission Creek Greenway and a beach walk in Peachland. The summer was welcomed with a Raspberry Fest at the Resler home and the fall was kicked off with a Chili Bowl pot luck at the home of the McColl’s. Plans for a Ukrainian New Year’s pot luck dinner, an international food fest, another pickle ball session and a bike trip along the rail trail were tossed about. We look forward to another fun year!
At our OKARTA Annual General Meeting held every June, we go over the business of our branch but also spend time hearing reports from our reps to ARTA. This provides a place to discuss new and pertinent business from ARTA’s board and AGM meetings. It keeps our members aware of the latest information and contributes to a sense of belonging to the greater organization in Alberta. This year saw the re-election of the OKARTA President and Secretary and we welcomed a new Treasurer Carl McColl.
We are committed to our connection to ARTA and have acted as a resource to our members. In addition to attending ARTA meetings members of OKARTA have been elected to the ARTA Communications, Governance, Strategic Planning and Wellness Committees. Our members are active participants in the ARTA family.
We have been very fortunate to be able to access Grant money from ARTA to support our activities. Without it we would not have been able to provide the enriching experiences for our members.
As our group grows we will continue to keep OKARTA abreast of the news from ARTA. We are working on updating and improving our OKARTA website to support and inform our members with events, pictures and information. As ARTA grows, so do we. We continue to be proud of the organization ARTA has become!
President’s Report to the OKARTA AGM June 27, 2019
Welcome all and thank you for coming, your support is appreciated!
ARTA is made up of 17 Alberta branches, and OKARTA – the only branch outside the province, making a total of 18. What does the president do? I attend ARTA board meetings in Edmonton, in September, November and February, attend the annual Retreat in May and the AGM in October. When I can’t make it my stand-ins are Marilyn, Bob Heyworth or Bev Mallett.
Our last ARTA board meeting was after the ARTA annual Retreat in Canmore May 24-26. The Retreat held at the Malcolm Resort, included comfortable accommodations, great meals & snacks. A variety of speakers entertained us on a variety of topics including “How I Acquired Wealth”, the Canadian economy, taking care of the caregiver, managing stress and the latest research on how the brain really functions – its no longer just left/right brain thinking. The fun ended, delegates checked out and the May board meeting began.
Here are some highlights from that meeting.
The ARTA Executive presided:
President Marilyn Bossert, Vermillion
Vice President: Lorna McIlroy – Grande Prairie
Treasurer: Dolaine Koch, Edmonton
CEO and Executive Director: Daniel Mulloy
Present were 18 Branch Presidents and the Chairs of 8 Committees. OKARTA presently has two members on committees: Bev Mallett, Chair of the Wellness Committee and Carl McColl member of Strategic Planning. Past members included Bob Heyworth on Communications and Carol Frances on Governance. We also have had two other representatives from OKARTA – Sherry Skaalid and Ernie Drvaric.
The board meeting agenda included many reports including those from the Executive listed above and the committee chairs for Benefit Plan Trust Fund, Communications, Governance, Health Benefits, Pension & Financial Wellness, Strategic Planning, and Wellness. Here is a summary of the most pertinent information.
Benefit Trust Fund (Chair Dorothy Ungstad) manages the income from the Benefit plan used to cover our health care claims.
ARTA is made up of 3 sectors: Educational (15 000 Retired AB Teachers) contributing $11.5M annually.
5000 Public (Gov’t) & Private (non-Gov’t agencies) $4.0M annually
These funds are all carefully managed and the invested returns are over 8%.
ARTA’s Revenue (membership fees & benefit premiums) amounted to $2.9M.
Expenses (salaries, operations, board and committee meetings) were $2.3M allowing ARTA to function as a not-for-profit organization.
Health Benefits Committee (Chair Doug Gill) has announced increases in the plan coverage effective Nov 2019.
They are:
- flash blood glucose monitors included in all diabetes supplies up to $1750/yr
- increased accidental dental coverage from $1000 to $3500/yr
- increased private duty nursing from $1000 to $3000/yr
- hearing aid accessories – microphones, TV accessories, remotes
- flapless periodontal surgery codes have been added
- low dose Cialis as a treatment for enlarged prostate
- $200/yr for knee walkers and crutches
- coverage for CPAP machine cleaners & sanitizers under the current maximum
- ARTA is investigating the development of its own drug plan to be called ARTA Rx. More to follow.
Governance (Chair Leo Bruseker) reviews, amends, & recommends changes to the Bylaws, Policies and Procedures of ARTA. It also reviews Scholarship applications and awards a total of $20 000 to successful Degree applicants and $10 000 to Certificate Diploma applicants.
Pension & Financial Wellness (Chair Carol Lowen) communicates to the Alberta gov’t and to ATRF (Alberta Teachers Retirement Fund) the most pressing pension matters, that being the continuation of our defined benefit plan. The federal gov’t is trying to change the way this is done.
Communications (Laurie Semler) has established an initiative to assist each branch with the development of its own website. They market ARTA at teacher’s conventions in Alberta, oversee News&Views magazine and adjudicate writing & photography contests.
Other reports:
ACER-CART (Canadian Assn for Retired Teachers) (Chair Gordon Cumming) lobbies to protect the pensions for all retired teachers and is lobbying for national pharmacare. Canada is the only country with universal health care but no universal drug coverage. One in four households in Canada can’t afford to fill their prescriptions so this is important to all. Go to www.acer-cart.org to support seniors and join by paying a $25 membership fee.
OKARTA Charitable Foundation (Gordon Cumming) supports senior housing and health services and have made donations to CNIB, Parkinson’s Alberta and Alzheimers Calgary. They have $91 000 and are always seeking sponsors and other donors.
Items of General Interest
The Annual ARTA Golf Tournament on June 6 at the Ranch Golf Course in Edmonton is fully booked. The 2020 event will again be in Edmonton.
News&Views is always an interesting read including articles on mental health & fitness, raising grandkids, fly fishing, music, travel, with writing and photo contests.
OKARTA continues to be an active participant in ARTA. Thank you all for your support and interest in the great communication and connection we have with our organization.