Our History
The Organizational Meeting for the purpose of forming a Retired Teachers’ organization for the Northeastern part of Alberta was held in Elk Point on September 18, 1986 with Mr. Sid Holte acting as chairman and Mr. Oliver Lafleur acting as recording secretary. At this meeting , the following Executive was elected:
President: Mr. Sid Holte, Elk Point; Vice President: Mr. Oliver Lafleur, St. Paul; Secretary: Mrs. Vera Romanchuk, Elk Point; Treasurer: Mrs. Ruth Youie, Grand Centre
A motion was made to call the group ‘Lakeland Retired Teachers’” ( Defeated) A new motion was made that the new Branch be called “ Northeastern Retired Teachers’. On September 30,1986 this was changed by the constitution and by-laws committee to Northeastern Alberta Retired Teachers’ Association and application was made to the Alberta Retired Teachers’ Association. On October 22, 1986, NEARTA became the 11th Branch of ARTA.